The Chosen One
Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a television show written, produced, and directed by Joss Whedon, AKA God. The show first started out in 1992 as a movie. However, it didn't satisfy Joss so he came up with the idea to turn it into a televised series. We first saw Buffy the Vampire Slayer on March 10, 1997 when Welcome to the Hellmouth was aired. The series has turned into a phenomenal hit with a huge fan following. It has already created two spin off series, Angel which is aired on WB(that evil network) and the new series to be aired on BBC called Ripper. An animated cartoon by the same name is in the works as well.
Joss has thrown many things at his fans to include first introducing as to the slayer, taking away her only true love, killing off her mother, having the slayer herself sacrifice her life- this time she really was dead, and once she returns she has to figure out how to pay the bills. Joss is now giving us something next week we have never seen before. A musical. Will it be good? With Joss and his great writing staff you can bet it will be.
Created by Sydney078 on Oct. 31, 01